Lethal enforcers 2 gif
Lethal enforcers 2 gif

lethal enforcers 2 gif

Take advantage of this option before you lose it.


Other sharp pixels include daggers hurling into the screen and some cool bullet-holes when gunmen fill you full of lead. The train and the stagecoach shootouts, which are on the move, look particularly slick. The digitized bandits give you good-looking moving targets. The visuals are handsome, despite the grainy Sega CD look. The new firearms do a good job, but you lose 'em when you get drilled.


If you get weary of your revolver, you can upgrade your firepower by shooting gun icons for double-barrel shotguns, Gatling guns, cannons, and, of course, a two-gun rig. The first- person shootout rages across five levels in the usual Western locales, including a bank, saloon, and stagecoach. They're a-ridin' hoses and a-holdin' hostages.

lethal enforcers 2 gif

The desperadoes jump from behind barrels and bushwhack you from windows. This game is tough on the trigger finger because the opposition comes gunnin' for you in an endless stream. The Justifier works great, and if point and shoot is your "idear" of a good time, LE ll's a gunslinger's dream. Naturally, GunFighters is all about gun control.uh, make that gun controller. Capture beats and Fusion Beats : signifies AV dissociation.GunFighters is a basic blast! You pack a blue Konami Justifier light gun on your own or form a posse with a pal, if they don't mind usin' the pink shootin' iron.Every thing is positive in lead in QRS: VT.RS in same side in all precordial leads.Brugada Algorithm for the differentiation.Rate and Hemodynamic stability ARE NOT factors.BBB now starts to conduct, causing shorter QRS on tachycardia.RBBB : even if typically VT does not present as RBBB do not close the diagnosis just yet.Anti-dromic ART (down the accessory pathway).Accessory pathway (His PUrkinje system is bypassed).BBB, IVCD (intraventricular conduction delay), rate-related aberrancy.Aberrant conduction via normal conduction pathway (in BB, or distal purkinji system).SVT with abnormal ventricular activation.Closer it is, more symptomatic it will be How much ventricle activates from alternate pathway or abberent pathway depends on how far is the abberent pathway from AV Node.Site of origin is SVT but there is a ventricular pre excitation i.e part of ventricle activates through alternate pathway while simultaneously part of the ventricle is activating through his-purkinjee system.Site of origin is SVT but there is a preexisting conduction abnormalities in the his-purkinje system, like BBB, or rate related aberrancy.Site of origin is either at or below his bundle, or in perkinje fibers, or ventricular myocardium OR.

lethal enforcers 2 gif

Just a response to Adenosine does not mean it is AV node involved tachycardia.

  • 10-20 % of Atrial Tachycardia can respond to Adenosine.
  • If different morphology is present, then it may actually be Atrial Fibrillation
  • Flutter wave in atrial flutter is of same morphology.
  • If prior history of cardiac surgery or ablation is present, it is atrial flutter even if isoelectric lines are present.
  • Atrial flutter has no isolectric line that is representation of atrial depolarization.
  • Look for Isoelectric line to differentiate AT from A flutter.
  • Understand AT typically does not exceed 200 atrial bpm.
  • ORtw with a slow decremental pathway (PJRT).
  • Short PR Tachycardias and Long PR tachycardias are different.
  • In reviewing Narrow Complex tachycardia,.
  • lethal enforcers 2 gif

  • Understand, normal looking p wave can occur in AT if the origin of atrial tachycardia is near SA Node.
  • Always have a same sequence of reviewing EKG.
  • Always use caliper or tool in computer.
  • In order to avoid misdiagnosis, few catch points, or not to miss points while reviewing EKG are.
  • After this you are ready to look at an EKG.
  • Know the pathophysiology of tachycardia.
  • PR segment present or absent (as in pre excitation).
  • Locate the possible site of origin of cardiac conduction, and its propagation into the ventricle in the narrow complex tachycardia and in wide complex tachycardia.
  • Understand how does narrow complex and wide complex QRS occur.
  • Then, understand the cardiac conduction pathway, and review the sequences of normal ventricular activation.
  • First: Be able to define narrow complex and wide complex tachycardia.
  • Even before you look at any EKG, you need to understand the following to make sense of any EKG.

  • Lethal enforcers 2 gif